Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Another Great Start....

Pewaukee Campers,
I know that it seems like your body is breaking down this week, but that is completely normal! Please do not let that influence the way that you approach the camp every day! I know that the body is feeling tired and that your mentally starting to fall apart! (If you are not awesome!)

Keep in mind that we need to tackle the nutritional aspect of your training and the results and the healthy you will be shortly behind that! If you have specific questions about nutrition, please don't hesistate, ASK ME! Nutrition is my hobby and one of my passions in this business!

Please don't forget to request your copy of the Lake Country Adventure Boot Camp from me and if you wouldn't mind just a small donation of $19.00 to cover the priniting costs that I had to make this wonderful recipe book! But if you request the recipe book prior to 12:00 P.M. on Wednesday the 17th. I will cover the printing costs and give it to you for free!

Remember we will meet at Peak Performance tomorrow and then we will decide on Thursday!

Keep up the AWESOME work,

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