Friday, December 5, 2008

Do You Want to Waste Your Time Or Not???

It's been about a week since I talked to you! Sorry for th delay! I am going to make it up to you and post today, tomorrow, and Sunday! I have some great information to share with you. If you have any questions, don't hesistate to e-mail me anything!

The following is the article that I was talking about this morning. ENJOY!

I'm going to give you data showing that cardiovascular steady state aerobic exercise is simply a waste of time when it comes to losing weight, fat, and maintaining a healthy body composition and image.

The first study compares what a diet only group and a diet plus aerobics group would have on body composition. Published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinal Metabolism in 2007. The aerobics group performed 50 minutes of an aerobic exercise 5 days a week plus ate the same diet as the diet only group. What was discovered was that the additional aerobics had NO EFFECT on body composition.

This was a six month study. So in essence they did 120 extra aerobic sessions for a total of 6000 minutes or 100 hours and saw no added benefit from the other group. A waste of our most precious commodity--Time.

The second study was a 12-month study, it was in Obesity 2007 June- 15:1496-1512. Entitled Exercise effect on weight and body fat in men and women. Subjects performed aerobic training 60 minutes a day for 6 times a week for 1 year. Lost an average of 3.5 pounds. 3.08 for women and 3.96 for men. Wow! 1 year and less than 4 pounds.

Plus the effects that this type of training has on your metabolism. Severely retarding it. If you have been trying to lose weight and been using this form of exercise, I ask you--Have you gotten the results you wanted? They're probably not as good as they could be, or have things actually stagnated or actually gotten worse? I'm trying to scare you out of a 'cardio' based mindset. It' might take some time, because that's what society drilled into you for years and years that aerobics was the key to weight loss. Simply not true!

The third study actually compares interval training to aerobic training. Published in Metabolism. 1994 Jul;43(7):814-8. Entitled impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal muscle metabolism. It involved 20 weeks of endurance training vs. only 15 weeks of interval training. The endurance training burned a total of 28,661 calories while interval training burned 13,614. Endurance training burned 52.5% more calories while performing exercise. But when corrected for energy cost, the interval group demonstrated a NINE times greater decrease in subcutaneous fat than the endurance group.

9x Greater Fat Loss! Why such a difference? Because like I said last time, once you stop doing your 'cardio' session you stop burning calories. With High Intensity Interval training once you stop that's when your body starts burning more calories and more fat.

This is due to EPOC. Or Excess Post Oxygen Consumption.

EPOC is basically what your body does after an extremely hard training session. This can be either interval training, weight training, or playing a sport. It is your body's attempt to recover and return your metabolic rate back to pre-exercise levels. It can take as little as a few minutes all the way up to 38 HOURS LATER for this to happen! The higher the intensity the longer it takes to recover back to normal.

The last study I will talk about published in the International Journal of Obesity (Lond). 2008 Jan 15, compared 15 weeks of an Interval group doing 3 sessions a week for 20 minutes, and an endurance group doing 3 times a week for 40 minutes. Both ate the same diet and burned the same amount of calories. The endurance group on average actually gained 1 pound of fat. Interval group lost on average 5.5 pounds of fat and increased lean body tissue and actually increased there aerobic capacity more than the endurance group.

Yes, it is true, you can increase your aerobic (cardiovascular) capacity doing interval training. Even though it is considered anaerobic (without oxygen) exercise. However, you cannot increase your anaerobic capacity by doing aerobic exercise.

Well, I've done all I can. The decision is up to you now. Will you drop the 'cardio'? Save some time, burn some fat off, and switch to intervals? Don't keep doing the same thing and expect a different result. That's the definition of INSANITY!

Don't continue to waste your time, check out and get registered for the next boot camp which starts on January 12th at Queen of Apostles.

Get Strong, Be Strong, Stay Strong!


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