Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thursday September 25th.....Hike/Trail Run Day!

I know that it is getting harder this week and you are probably thinking, "How am I going to get through 1 more week of this camp?" Well, remember to put your trust in me that I am ramping you up for a reason and will always keep your safety and health in mind!

Keep working hard and remember the 3 following things are the keys to success:
* Drink at least 128 oz of Water/day
* Eat something small all day long, eat every 3-4 hours
* Have a protein smoothie within 30 minutes of workout completion!

The following is the directions for Thursday's Hike/Trail Day!

We will meet at Saxes Restaurant Parking Lot at 5:30am.

Saxes Restaurant is located right off Highway 18 in Wales/Delafield:
From Nagawaukee Ice Rink Park and Ride take Hwy 83 south to Hwy. 18. Turn right and take Hwy 18 west. Saxes is approx. ½ mile down the road on the left side. If you reach Hwy C you have gone too far! (About 11 minutes from Ice Rink Park and Ride)

-Please bring a working flashlight.
-You may want to bring extra socks as it will be wet!
-If you have ankle braces, please wear them as a pre-caution.
-Make sure you drink at least 8oz of water before arriving and Have a full water bottle ready and waiting for you when we return!

The plan: We will begin our warm-ups on the paved bike path and connect to the glacial drumlin state trail towards Lapham Peak Tower. We will split into 4 groups (walkers, power walkers, joggers, and runners) and each group will have a radio/walkie-talkie to communicate with instructors Ryan and Brandon. We will then proceed along the glacial trail for 20 minutes and then turn around and return to Saxes. A great 40 minute cardio workout!

Please let me know tomorrow if you can't or don't plan on attending the Hike/Trail Day. I will have a homeowrk assignent for you to complete on your own!

Live Fit,

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