Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I Apologize.....

Hey Boot Campers,
i am sorry for not writing anything to you guys as of late! I have been battling a cold the last few days and have literally went home and took naps to get through the rest of the day.

As I sat and thought about this, I realized that I have not been doing the things that I preach to each and everyone of you, take care of you first and the rest will fall into place. My nutrition has been laxed and not been up to my usual standards to protect myself from all the things that go around during this time of the year.

With that being said, remember the following keys to success:

1. Eat breakfast each and every day, No Excuses!!!!
2. Drink 16 oz water to start the day...
3. Take a multi-vitamin/mineral each and every day....
4. Take a post-workout recovery shake after each bootcamp workout!!

Follow these keys and you will have complete success......

We will be a Nagawaukee Park tomorrow morning. Please meet at the Ice Rink behind McDonald's(We will not be eating Eye Ball Sandwiches!). Be there at 5:30 and don't be LATE! You will be left behind tomorrow!!!

Crank It,


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