Saturday, December 13, 2008


That was one heck of a week! I am really impressed with each and everyone of you! You are all pushing yourselves very hard and have been gearing up for the Holiday season!

Just remember, early next week you should receive the letter explaining the upcoming contest! It is bananas!!!!

Anyway, sorry for the late post on the homework front!

Here it is:

5 minute Warm-up

20 minutes

  • 30 sec HARD (Scale of 1-10, rate it a 9!)
  • 30 sec Easy (Scale of 1-10, rate it s 3-4!)

5 minute cool down!!

Hope you are all having a great weekend and are ready for the last week! Keep in mind this is our last chance WEEK before the holidays! Rest up, Quit the drinking, and Get Ready!


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